Mystic Jewels
Mystic Jewels
WhiteGold with ParaibaTourmaline and Hauyn
Coloured Kissed
Coloured Kissed
Upright:WhiteGold with Tourmaline and Sapphire Lying:PinkGold with Tansania and Spinell
Tender Sapphire and Tender Diamond
Tender Sapphire and Tender Diamond
Ping gold,yellow and white gold, with sapphire and diamond
Saint Tropez
Saint Tropez
White Gold with Turquoise and Sapphire
Diamond Fire
Diamond Fire
White gold with diamond
Gold and Copper burnished with Southsee Cultured Pearl and Diamond
In Confidence
In Confidence
from right to left Copper Burnished and Pink Gold with ruby, White Gold, White Gold with diamond, Copper Burnished
Pink Gold and Copper Burnished with Tourmalin and ruby
California Sun
California Sun
Pink gold lying: with citrine and sapphire, upright: with golden beryl and diamond
Midsummer Dream
Midsummer Dream
White Gold with tourmaline and diamond
Diamonds and Pearls
Diamonds and Pearls
underneath: Gold with AkoyaCultured Pearl Above: White Gold with Diamond
Bends of Gold
Bends of Gold
Individual Letter
Individual Letter
Gold with letters selected by yourselves

Rona Tilgner Schmuckdesign München |  Impressum

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